Life is either a daring adventure or nothing at all.
― Helen KellerBig results require big ambitions.
— Heraclitus
The fundamental human conundrum is the gap between who we are, a spark of Mystery, and what we think we are, our thoughts. When we have too many thoughts, our connection to Mystery becomes clouded. We feel lost, disconnected, and unhappy, with meaning and purpose missing from our lives. Our own thoughts exile us from our own life, as storm clouds dim out the Sun.
Fundamentally, we humans thirst for limitlessness. We want to express our potential fully, known only and truly by Mystery. We feel alive when we are inspired by our soul, with fears dropping off and our spirit allowed to soar and blossom, as the word “inspired” implies. On the other hand, we feel dull and stuck when we cut ourselves off from this inspiration, imprisoned by our own mind, with its thoughts tangled and stupefied by beliefs, traditions, and family dogmas.
Life in such spiritual pain is, well, painful. Dense thoughtforms squeeze Mystery out, and with that, they diminish meaning, purpose, passion, and joy out of life. Spiritual lethargy, fake comfort in the compliance to the stale rules of groupthink, increasingly replaces true happiness and depth. Abandoning exile is about saying goodbye to spiritual pain.
Living in the exile, believing in our thoughts is a huge sacrifice. We sacrifice a stimulating, meaningful, and exciting life for the dull life of conforming to the prevalent thoughtforms.
Abandoning exile is about leaving the prison of excessive attachment to our thoughts, about abandoning too much belief in our thoughts. It starts with being aware of the problem and re-focusing on the inspiration. Abandoning exile is about breaking the lid of thoughtforms that shade Mystery out of our life. It is about making our mind lighter.